Ries Family | Salem Family Portraits

Its always so much fun to capture families, but especially fun when a family with grown children are able to all get together for family portraits. Joyce and Paul have three daughters, three son-in-laws and four grand kids and they all were able to spend time together over Christmas break and made sure to carve out time from all their baking (and eating!) to get some memorable family photos taken.

I might be slightly biased since three of the four happen to be my nephews- but I think Joyce and Paul have some darn good looking grand kids don’t you?


Survival Mode | Oregon Magazine Photography

2012 held quite a few exciting moments for me and the business and one of the most notable is having my photos featured on my first magazine cover! I did this photo shoot back in August and had to keep it under wraps until the magazine ‘hit the shelves’ in November. I’ve been excited to share this with you all!
I got to spend the afternoon shooting the Sander’s family helping tell their story though photos. The article in Family Foundations tells the story of Stephanie Sanders a young mother of four kids and her battle with an aggressive form of breast cancer.
During her Chemo treatments, Stephanie ended up with a large collection of scarves and hats that the kids love trying on and dressing up with. Part of my assignment was to capture this interaction between Stephanie and her kids while they all tried on her hats.
Thank you to Family Foundations for letting me help tell the Sanders touching story and thank you to all my friends, clients and fans that have made 2012 an amazing year. I’m excited to continue this journey with you in 2013!


Moni and sisters | Albany Oregon Family Shoot

If you follow my blog, you may recognize Sam and Will from a few weeks ago. Sam’s sister Moni lives out of state by was in the area for her son’s highschool graduation. When she saw Sam’s family photos she decided to get her family together for an impromptu family photography session with her sisters, mom and sons. They contacted me to see if I was available on short notice and I was happy to help them out. We combined multiple types of sessions into one big session and had a great afternoon here’s a handful of the resulting images.

Interested in booking me for a family session? Don’t hesitate to contact me today!

Thank you Moni, Sam, Kay and Chanh and Boys for hanging out with me, I really enjoyed getting to know you guys!