The Duncans | Albany Oregon Family Photographer

The Duncans wanted a quick session late last year to get some updated family photos and to get an image for their Christmas cards. I think we were successful! The Duncans are some popular folks – when I posted their sneak peek on Facebook it absolutely blew up. They win the prize for most liked photo on my Facebook page. Well, if there was a prize they would win that. Instead they’ll have to settle for some mad street cred!

Are you a fan of the Duncan fam? Feel free to leave them some comment love below!


The Brazel’s Snow Day Session | Albany Family Photography

We don’t usually get lots of snow in Albany so when I woke up to several inches of fluffy snow outside I knew I had to find some daring person to brave the weather for a photo shoot. Dev, Erin, Addison and Izzy were up for a last minute adventure so we bundled up and off we went. The snow was falling so hard we could barely keep our eyes open, but Addison was a total trooper and we got some great snow day photos. Grab some hot chocolate, snuggle up and enjoy these photos!


Christi & Ragen’s Rainbow Bracelet Project Session | Albany Oregon Family Photographer

Christi and Ragen took advantage of the sessions I was offering through the Rainbow Bracelet Project and I had a blast getting to know this mother and daughter duo! Christi and Ragen interact so well together and Ragen was an absolute joy to work with, I left that session with a huge smile on my face. Thanks to Christi and Ragen for hanging out with me and sharing some of their story with me!

If you want to rock some awesome rainbow bracelets yourself you can check them out here or on facebook here!